Total quality management in Division Leader Schools of Albay Cresencio- Bonavente, Elma
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University of Santo Tomas-Legazpi Graduate School and Law Library | Pages 1-271,March 1999 | 1 | Not for loan (Library Use) | MRR |
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BONAVENTE, ELMA CRESENCIO,” TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN DIVISION LEADER SCHOOL OF ALBAY’ (Unpublished Dissertation, Aquinas University, Legaspi City, March, 1999)
The study emerged in the context of the cardinal principles of quality management, “to do right things first, the first time, on time and all the time” and “to produce products and resources which meet the needs and expectations of customers.” Hence, it could yield a package of multifarious benefits to end users, organizational planners, and instructional leaders and researches from the management concepts and scientific and technology-based approaches.
It focused on total Quality management ( TQM) in Division leader Schools ( DLS’s) of Albay, School Year 1997-1998, to document diversified tends on quality and excellence in education particularly the secondary level amidst the conspicuous clamor from new heights of performance .
Specifically, the following problems were answered.
1. What is the profile of the DLS’s of Albay along historical development, mission, objectives, personnel development, students’ development, achievements, facilities and alumni?
2. What is the status of the total quality management in the DLS’s in terms of leadership; information and analysis; strategic policy and planning; people; quality of process, product and service; organizational performance and customer focus?
3. What factors affect the implementation of total quality management in the DLS’s of Albay?
4. Is there a significant difference on the status of total quality management among the DLS’s?
5. Is there a significant difference on the factors affecting the implementation of total quality management among the DLS’s?
6. Is there a significant relationship between the status of TQM and factors affecting the implementations of TQM in DLS’s?
A three-pronged hypothesis was subjected to empirical testing at 0.05 level of significance employing ANOVA and Pearson product Moment Correlation in the statistical treatment of the data. Two research instrument, Standard Assessment Survey of Malcom Baldridge National Quality Award for TQM Status and the researcher’s formulated questionnaire for the factors affecting the TQM implementation, were employed.
The latter, after having been critiqued by the Dissertation Committee, underwent reliability test with the internal consistency determined at a highly reliable results of 0.882977 as well as content validation. Both tools adopted the research triangular design-description, exploration and correlation in surveying the perceptions of the sample population of 361 respondents composed of 239 faculty members,32 principals and department heads, 40 students leaders and total enumeration of 50 support personnel.
Findings are revealed as follows, based on the data presented:
1. With the DECS vision” to educate the Filipino child to be responsible citizen and future leader of the community” as the basis of missions and objectives, the DLS’s evolved as potentially profiled force for basis secondary education. Massive trainings beyond the national category were conducted to raise the competence levels of human resources. DECS programs and thrust chiefly the Philippine Education 2000 and national Culture of Excellence (NCE), were implemented , School building packages, equipment and facilities - gymnasiums, sports complex and swimming pool were availed to the customers’ satisfaction. Consequently, commendable alumni were enhanced to serve in the competitive global village of information revolution.
2. The top revelations along TQM status, “effective approach for involving staff at all levels” and quality teaching disclosed the DLS’s adoption of quality educational standards and interventions in translating principles to day-to day situations. Crafting master plans for building learning environment in the pursuit of meaningful life that showcases basic and nuances could be probable. The DLS’s optimum, implementation of TQM heading gave insight for keen competition for exemplary leadership and learning. However, commendatory supervision by the DLS’s towards the school monitored were necessary to boost their morale to the public. Eventually, the confidence of curriculum planners, policy formulation and mentors who apply TQM for technology-based human potentials as blue print for Filipino identity could be intensified.
3. Among those factors affecting TQM implementation were “mission, vision and values reflected quality principles” and ‘the organization was involved on developing and monitoring strategies”. These showed improved DLS’s performance as indicated by quality products and services through the full development of human resources and extent of linkages. Nevertheless, there could still be a room from improvement of the DLS’s work setting that redounds to a wide latitude of achievements.
4. The seven TQM criteria for evaluation of DLS’s status were significantly different from each other since the observed F value exceeded the 5% or 05. Level of significance which were 2.57 and 3.81. Likewise, the factors affecting the adoption of TQM were 2.57 and 3.81. Likewise, the factors affecting the adoption of TQM were highly and significantly different with the observed F value of 11.42 at 5% or .05 level of significance were 2.57 and 3.81. Finally, the relationship between the two variables, TQM status and factors arrived at a highly significant relation with the observed Pearson (r) value at -0.85.
Conclusions, such as the following are drawn based on the findings discovered:
1. The endeavor concluded that the DLS’s profiled distinctive corporate cultures along mission, objectives, population, community linkages, achievements, personnel and students’ development and alumni. As lead training centers of the public basic secondary education, the DLS’s proved effective from the raters’ generated impact on “leadership ‘, “organizational performance’ and ‘customer focus’). Due recognition and moral support gained from alumni, parents and concerned citizens seasoned the work structure as they funneled the attainment of goals in producing performance-driven clientele.
2. Along factors affecting TQM implementation, like the DLS’s “expertise in strategies, quality process and planning” implied that activities were-managed. However, some gray areas like ‘information and analysis system” should be reinforced. Lastly, the significant difference on status of the TQM elements in DLS’s assumed the close association among the variables which redounded to a meaningful TQM adoption. The highly significant difference among the factors could be accounted to the strong link which influenced the current status of TQM and the effect on the TQM adoption by these factors resulted to the highly significant relationship.
Recommendation, based on the findings and conclusions deduced, are advanced as follows:
1. The Albay DLS’s administrators should fully implement and promote TQM standards for their customers’ satisfaction and as an indicator in a quality assured state. The implementation should go beyond their confines to the schools under their jurisdiction.
2. The quality management principles should be adopted in any organization chiefly in the DLS’s to boost performance in the schools of the whole division, thus raise their achievement levels in the ensuing school years.
3. Since the DLS’s are a boon to poor but exceptionally deserving students, the LGU’s must continue supporting them for the full implementation of the DECS and government programs for effective public service.
4. Since the DLS’s are the province public secondary lead training centers with roles to achieve and maintain qualify performance rates, the work force should be highly competent with superior educational qualifications over their subordinates. The schools they supervise, assist and monitor should also be encouraged to tap competent personnel/teachers.
5. The DLS’s should generously harness human resources who demonstrate leadership potentials through behavior, commitment and attitude towards work and co-workers to attain satisfactory results in achievement test compared with those from other divisions/regions. Thus, 100% customer satisfaction can be attained.
6. All sectors are enjoined to implement TQM concepts to foster a quality management culture whose goal is the continuing drive for improved performance. The secondary education division of Albay should be aware of TQM advantages.
Areas for further research offered by the investigation are the following:
1. A similar study should be conducted in some locales of the country to validate the findings of this work, thus circumvent the clienteles’ energies and visions towards the expectations of DECS family.
2. A research on total quality management in the light of the current Philippine educational system must be undertaken to check the findings along its implantation.
3. A curriculum focused on information and technology revolution should be designed to keep the youth funneling towards development and advancement.
4. A study on quality management should be conducted in any work setting to assess findings with past studies and eventually structure a learning environment for future leaders who prove as assets of prosperity and key to and keys to productivity.
5. An investigation on the benefits of DLS’s administrators should be undertaken with the end view of inspiring them to serve the youth with candor and dedication in their mission to harness potentials.
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