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The organization culture of Aquinas University of Legazpi Corral, Zenaida R

Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: April 2006Description: Pages 1-206 Phd 114.1.Uniform titles: Doctor of Philosophy
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Corral, Zenaida R.,“THE ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE OF AQUINAS UNIVERSITY OF LEGAZPI,” (Unpublished Dissertation,Graduate School, Aquinas University of Legazpi,2006).

This study characterized qualitative and quantitatively the organizational culture of Aquinas University based on a classification of effectiveness enchanting factors. In order to pursue this main problem to its conclusion, this study answered the following specific questions:

1. What are the actual and preferred organizational cultures that exist as perceived by the administrators, faculty and support personnel of Aquinas University based on the following models and their respective orientations:
a. Human Relation Models (clan or team culture type)
i. Professionalism
ii. Commitment and support

b. Open System Model (adhocracy culture type)
i. Adaptation and innovation
ii. External support and facilities

c. Rational Goal Model (market or firm culture)
i. Productivity and accomplishment
ii. ends-means

d.Internal Process Model (hierarchy culture type)
i. Stability and control
ii. Efficiency?

2. Are there significant differences among the respondents’ perception of the actual organizational culture of Aquinas University?

3. Are there significant differences among the respondents’ perception of the preferred organizational culture of Aquinas University?

4. Are there significant differences among the respondents’ perception of the over-actual and over-all preferred organizational cultures of Aquinas University?

5. What culture strategy may be developed to enhance organizational effectiveness?

The study utilized the descriptive research method using methodological triangulation. Both qualitative and quantitative methods of researches to gather data were used to provide answer to the problems in the study.

In this study, the qualitative data came from focus group discussion, artifact analysis and interviews while the quantitative data was provided by the response made by the administrators, faculty members and support personnel to the survey questionnaire, the School Culture Inventory Form 1.

The Form 1 of the School Culture Inventory was based on the themes of the four models in the Competing Values Framework. The Human Relations Model is represented by the scales ‘professionalization orientation ‘and commitment and support orientation’; The Open System Model by adaptation and innovation orientation’ and external support and facilities orientation’; the Rational Goal Model by ‘productivity and accomplishment orientation ‘and ‘ends-means orientation’; and the Internal Process Model by stability and control orientation’ and efficiency orientation.’

The organizational culture patterns resulting from the quantitative responses to the questionnaire were plotted on the conceptual model of the study.
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used in order to split the total variation of data into a meaningful component that measures different sources of variation. To determine that pairs of group that are significantly different, the Scheffe Method for Multiple Comparison was conducted. The t-test for dependent samples was used to analyse the within variation.

The study revealed the following findings:
1. The actual organizational cultures of the University based on models and their respective orientations of the Competing Values Framework by Quinn as by the administrators during the focus group discussion is adhocracy and hierarchy while the result of the survey revealed that as perceived by the administrators, the actual organizational culture of the University is that of the clan culture type. During the focus group discussion the faculty group identified clan culture as the existing organizational culture of the University while during the survey that adhocracy and hierarchy culture types are the most dominant culture type.

The preferred organizational cultures that surfaced during the FGDs of the different groups are: for the administrator, that Adhocracy and that Hierarchy Culture Types, for the faculty members, the Market Culture Type and for the support personnel, the Hierarchy Culture Type. Although during the FGDs, there were varied organizational culture preferences, the quantitate data revealed that all of the three types of respondents have the same culture preference- the Clan culture Type.
2. For the culture models, only the computed F-vale for internal process (6.44) is greater than the tabular of 2.88 and for the orientations, only efficiency has a computed F-value (9.45) greater than the tabular F-value of 3.68.
3. Except for the stability and control orientation, all the computed F-values are greater than the tabular values of at 0.05 level of significance. That computed F-vale of 3.45 for stability and control orientation is less than the tabular
F-value of 3.68.
4. All the computed t-values for the three types of respondents are greater than the tabular values at a level of significant equal to 0.05.
5. In support of the vission0mission of the University, there are strategies that may be employed to achieve organizational effectiveness.

Based on the findings of the study the following conclusions are made:”
1. For the employees of the University, that actual organizational culture of the University is reflective, that of the Open System Model or Adhocracy Culture Type. However they prefer to have Human Relation Model or the Clan Culture Type as that dominant culture.
2. There are no significant differences in the perception among administrators, faculty members and support personnel of the actual organizational culture models and orientations except for the internal process Model and Effiency orientation.
3. There are significant differences in the perception among administrators, faculty members and support personnel of that all preferred organizational culture models and orientations except for the stability and control orientation.
4. There are significant differences in the perception among administrators, faculty members and support personnel of the over-all actual and over-all preferred organizational cultures of Aquinas University.
5. The suggested strategies that can help realize the vision-mission of the University can be employed to enhance organizational effectiveness.

In the light of the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are made:
1. The University endeavors to go beyond assessing culture by initiating a culture building process as a means of enhancing organizational effectiveness.
2. The University develops and implements a customized training programs to facilitate cultural transformation.
3. The University establishes norms of continues critical inquiry and norms of improvement to facilitate change.
4. The university conducts shared visioning of what things are important to develop and protect in the university
to develop full trust, great commitment and high morale among employees.
5. The University broadens the scope of employee’s participation in the decision making process to ensure the
successful implementation of plans and strategies and institutionalization of policies and procedures.
6. The University considers adopting the suggested strategies to enhance organizational effectiveness in
evolving a workable strategic development plan of enhancing the capability of the organization to achieve the
vision-mission of the University.

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