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Benchmarking day care service in the cities of Legazpi and Tabaco Province of Albay Relora- Villareal, Ma. Mildred

Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: March 2002Description: Pages 1-125.Uniform titles: Master of Public Administration
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University of Santo Tomas-Legazpi Graduate School and Law Library
per T413 2002 (Browse shelf) Pages 1-125, March 2002 1 Not for loan (Library Use) MRR
Total holds: 0



Benchmarking is a continuous, systematic process for evaluating the products, services and work processes of organizations that are recognized as recognized as representing best practices from the purpose of organizational improvement. This study attempted to determine the extent of how benchmarking is being practiced in the delivery of day care in the cities of Legazpi and Tabaco, Province of Albay.
This study specifically determine the level of awareness, extent of practice, level of receptiveness and openness of day care Workers to adopt benchmarking in the delivery of day care service. Difference on the extent of benchmarking practice among Day care Workers in the two cities, and recommendations to improve the delivery of day care service.

The scope of this study was define from an extensive review of related literature and studies. It contributed to the absence of a research work on benchmarking the delivery of day care service in the cities of Legaspi and Tabaco.

This study is anchored on the concept of Total Quality management of Deming, the theory on reinventing government of Osborne and Gaebler, and the benchmarking theory of Spendolini. The eclectic approach combining the three theories together provided solid foundation and justification for the study.
Employing the descriptive/analytical method, the research were answered by data gathered through survey questionnaire, which were further validated by way of focuses group discussion, interview, and documentary analysis.

This study had two hundred seventy respondents from the cities of Legazpi and Tabaco, composed of 103 Day care Workers, 156 parents of children attending day care service, and 11 Social Welfare Officers. In analyzing the data, the researcher used frequency count, percentage, weighted mean, and One-Way Analysis of Variance.

This study found out that there is a generally low level of awareness of the formal theory of benchmarking, as defined in formal literature and in formal management training programs among the respondents in the cities of Legazpi and Tabaco.
There is a high level of benchmarking practice in both cities. While most of the respondents were not aware of the theory of “benchmarking”, the data show that they in fact been strongly practicing benchmarking in performing their management functions and in the delivery of day care center services. This is demonstrated by their existing practices and approaches to planning, data collection, data analysis, and adaption of best and good practices observed from other day care center, within and outside the city.
There is a high level of receptiveness and openness among Day care Workers in Legazpi City, while Day care Workers in Tabaco City are receptive and open to adopt benchmarking formally.
There is no significant difference on the extent of benchmarking practice among Day care Workers in the cities of Legazpi and Tabaco.
The delivery of day care services in the cities of Legazpi and Tabaco can be improved through various means. These include allocating and earmarking specific funds for improved day care services; clearly defining and refining the role of the national government agencies, city and barangay governments vis0vis the delivery of day care services; regular training, consciously leaning from other through exchange visits, sharing of experts, and expertise within the context of cross fertilization; incentives for high performers, and massive information campaign on the importance of day care service.

Based on the findings of the study, the study concluded that the notion of benchmarking as an approach to management and improvement in the delivery of services is something new for Day care Workers in Legazpi City and Tabaco City can be improved through various means.

The researcher recommends placing the customer at the center of day care service delivery cycle
And monitoring customer satisfaction, encouraging day care service providers to continue and sustain the efforts at learning from each other, and building upon existing approaches to planning, data gathering and adaption of best practices.

The researcher also recommends introducing and adopting benchmarking as a framework in the design, implementation and evaluation of day care delivery services, developing ‘’how to manuals’’ that will incorporate the building blocks of benchmarking as part of the overall strategy to local capacity building, setting up a resource center for local governments on information and material on best practices in various aspects of local governance, and encouraging local governments to invest in information technology that would open windows and doors to the information highway and enable them to appreciate best and (locally and internationally).

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