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The management capabilities of jail wardens in the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology in the National Capital Region/ an assessment Capistrano, Supt. Pio B.

Material type: materialTypeLabelBookUniform titles: Master of Public Administration
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This study focused on the management capabilities of jail wardens in the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology in the National Capital Region. This is an attempt to assess the capabilities of the Jail Wardens in the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology National Capital Region. Specifically, the study provided firsthand information in order improve their functions as managers today and in the future

This study attempted to assess the management capabilities of Jail Wardens at BJMP National Capital Region it determined their level of management function in planning, organizing staffing, directing and controlling. Hopefully, this would offer laudable plans to help the wardens improve their skills in management and leadership.

The study provided answers to the following sub-problems.
1. What is the Bureau Jail Management and Penology office and component?
2. What is the profile of jail wardens and deputy wardens at NCR BJMP Office
In terms of:
a. age
b. civil status
c. highest educational attainment
d. length of service as jail wardens
e. trainings attended related to present positions

3. What is the level of management capabilities of jail wardens and deputy wardens
Of the following functions:
a. planning
b. organizing
c. staffing
d. directing
e. controlling

4. What factors affects the level of management capabilities of wardens?

5. What interventions can be done to improve the management capabilities of jail wardens of BJMP in NCR?

The study identified several beneficiaries like the BJMP the wardens, the staff, the personnel, inmates, the academe and the general public. It also a descriptive type of study using a prepared questionnaire. There were 38 wardens and deputy wardens who provided the needed data of the study. The statistical tools were: modal, frequency counts, percentage and ranking:
1. That the jail wardens at NCR possessed a district profile related to their management capabilities.
2. That the jail wardens have attained management capabilities along the five management functions.
3. That NCR is an ideal venue of the study because of the opportunities and support program given to jail wardens by BJMP.
4. That the possessed management capabilities of jail wardens at NCR can be measured by a five point Likert scale.

The study concerned only to the 38 jail wardens and deputy wardens at national capital region. This region has 19 municipal and city jails. The focus of the research was the management capabilities of these wardens along five functions, namely: planning, staffing, controlling, organizing and directing. The study also includes the profile of the wardens, the factors that affect their management capabilities and the proposed actions to further improve their capabilities. The base year of the study was 1998.

The study did not include other staff of BJMP and deputy jail wardens. The study centered only on their management capabilities and not other areas like personnel, marketing, and financial aspect of jail operations. Other regions were not part of the study except NCR.

The descriptive type centered on the total descriptions of collected data using declarative sentences and supported with tables.

Finally, the documentary part of the study zero-in to the different documents analyzed and evaluated to draw generalization and inferences, the documents assesses were reports of BJMP, 201 files and other HRD data from the BJMP Office.

Data used were secured from primary and secondary sources. For the primary sources, the jail wardens provided the needed data of the study. These were classified as jail wardens and deputy jail wardens

The study arrived at the following findings:
1. The BJMP is an office created under RA6925 in charge of the management of jail and manned by jail wardens in its district jails with specific functions.
2. The profile of the jail wardens and their deputy are as follows:

Fifteen of 39.47 percent belong to 30 years old and below; 28 or 73.68 percent were married, and 100 percent finished college. Their courses include: 11 graduated criminology, 6 police administration, 8 material degree holder and 3 LLB graduates. Twenty- two or 57.89 percent spent two years and below as wardens and 100 percent attended several trainings with emphasis on Jail management. Wardenship and disaster preparedness.
3. The level of Management capabilities of wardens revealed the following:

On Planning, the modal rating realized from 3 to 4 or from satisfactory to very satisfactory according to the respondents. The average rating was 4 or very satisfactory.

On organizing, the computed modal rating ranged from 3 to 4 with 4 or average rating. The adjectival rating was also “very satisfactory’.
Staffing function realized modal rating from 2 to 3 with average rating of 3, the adjectival rating ranged from “fair” to “satisfactory” level.

The Controlling functions also attained modal rating from 3 to 4 or from “satisfactory” rating.
4. There were six factors identified both by the wardens and deputy wardens on the factors that affected their management capabilities. The highest rank factors according to the wardens were traits, attitudes and education. The deputy wardens also ranked two highest factors like skills of wardens, traits and attitudes.
5. The interviews cited by the wardens were five and the top rank plans were: Rank 1 was to monitor personally and supervise all activities at jails and imposed order to realized compliance; Rank 2 was to impose order with strong warning of compliance. The deputy wardens cited top two rank plans like. Established professional dealings and observed discipline and courtesy, as Rank 1 and 2 respectively.

The study arrived at the following conclusions:
1. The historical background of the BJMP gives the reads enough insights on its mission, vision, functions, staffing pattern and organizational set-up.
2. The jail wardens at the BJMP NCR are 30 years and below, married, college graduates with degrees aligned to Jail Management, young in BJMP services, and have attended training related to jail management.
3. The jail wardens at BJMP possess very satisfactory management capabilities in their exclusive functions and duties.
4. The factors that affect the management capabilities of jail wardens of BJMP-NCR are the traits, attitudes and educational background, and also their skills as wardens.
5. The intervention to improve their management capabilities are monitor and supervise all at the jail, impose order with strong warning, be professional in dealings and discipline and courtesy.

The study offered the following recommendation
1. The administration of BJMP should implement the proposed intervention in the city jails.
2. The wardens and his staff must support and cooperate in the management of BJMP in the implementation of the above cited interventions to improve their capabilities.
3. The jail wardens must continue to study graduate programs in management in order to enhance their skills;
4. Incentive programs must be provided by BJMP management to all wardens so as to motivate them to perform religiously their task and functions.
5. The inmates at jails should also cooperate and support the leadership of jail wardens.
6. Inmates must be provided continuously by BJMP with due information beneficial to them, so as to encourage them to support their wardens.

The following areas for further study are also recommended:
1. A similar study in other regions of the country to validate the findings of this research.
2. A study on the relationship between jail wardens and inmates in several jails.
3. A study on profile of jail wardens in NCR, BJMP

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