The impact of the life lesson program on effective behavior as perceived by the aquias university high school (AUHS) students Fernandez, Rev. Fr. Alfred A., O.P. - March 2002 - Pages 1-150 Phd 116




The school plays a very important role in changing the child’s learning behavior and supporting the parents in the personality development of a child. The Aquinas University High School (AUHS) particularly embraced this endeavor through her vision-mission and institutional goals which are directed, towards the total formation of the person, who in a way, is a true Aquinian. However, the academic lessons found in the general curriculum, as perceived by many, are not enough to form a true Aquinian. Besides, much emphasis is on the cognitive and psychomotor behaviors. In view of this, the AUHS Life program (LLP) was introduced to enhance the academic curricular subjects, and focused on the affective behavior of the students. The study centered on the formal evaluation and analysis of the Life lesson Program.

Specifically, it answered the following problems:
1. What life lesson are included in the program which depict:
a. Self-awareness ;
b. Effective communications;
c. Interpersonal relationship; and
d. Relationship with God?

2. What is the impact of Life Lesson program on the AUHS Students affective behavior in terms of:
a. Receiving;
b. Responding;
c. Valuing;
d. Organizing; and
e. Characterizing?

3. Is there a qualitative relationship between the content areas of the life lesson program and the impact on affective behaviors of the students?

4. What improvements can be recommended to enhance the life lesson program?

The end users of this study were the, the private and public schools, school administrators, faculty members, guidance counselor, psychologist and other professional concerned with the behavior of the youth, parents, students, future researchers, theory building, field of counselor education and the researcher himself. The primary data were taken from the responses of the students of AUHS School Years 2001-2002 (First Year to Fourth Year). The researcher used also the AUHS Life lesson program SY 2001-2002, the Co-curricular Alternative Learning Time (CALT), the list of AUHS Students from SY 2001-2002, the internet and the library sources reflected in the review of related literature and students as secondary data.

A prepared survey questionnaire checklist was used as a research was validated to come up with unbiased and correct data. The data were collected and summarized in a Master Data Sheet, using software-Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. This is computer software that helps ease computation for statistical analysis. This was encoded by using the Microsoft Excel Program. Descriptive Statistics like frequency count and percentages were used for the interpretation of the statistical summaries of the effects of life lesson program to AUHS Students’ Personality Development.

These were the findings of the study:
1.The following were the life lesson which depict self-awareness, effective communication, interpersonal relationship and relationship with God: a) for self-awareness: accept yourself as you are, you become what you think you are, what you see shapes your life and practice self-esteem; b) along effective communication: learn to listen, listen to learn, try dialogue rather than prejudice, set clear expectations, seek first to understand rather than to be understood; c) along interpersonal relationship: be ready to understand rather than to judge, be a chronic affirmer and be appreciative, do small acts of kindness, listen to energize and to find new and better ways ,stretch by stepping out of your comfort zones; and d) along personal relationship with God: make prayer a part of your daily life, do your best and God will do the rest and give thanks always to God because God will make a way, when there seems to be no way.

2. In terms of Receiving, there were 243 students (50.8% who were enhances in the ability to accept and to improve weakness, failures and imperfections. For Responding, there were 211 students (44.1%) who were much enhance in the ability to be happy and contented. With Valuing, 191 students (39.0%) were much enhanced in the ability to see self as unique and important individual. For organizing, there were 193 students (40.6%) who were much enhanced in the ability to see self as a unique and important individual. For organizing, there were 193 students (40.6%) who were much enhanced in the ability to form and maintain close relationships. And lastly, for Characterizing, 286 students (60.3%) were much enhanced in the personal belief and relation with God.

3. Self-awareness had four abilities in responding namely: ability to cope up with pressures, ability to appreciate and count one’s blessings, ability to be happy and contented, ability to make most out of a given opportunity. There were four aspects in valuing, such as: ability to see self as a unique and important individual, ability at the bright side of life, self-esteem and self –confidence, patience and perseverance. Two were in organizing like, ability to control and handle emotions such as love and anger and ability to formulate goals and ambitions in life. Lastly, there were also in receiving: ability to recognize and develop skills, talents and potentialities and good attitudes and ability to accept and improve weakness, failures and imperfections. Whereas, effective communications, generated two abilities for responding such as: ability ideas and opinions clearly and ability to be true and to express emotions and feeling openly. Interpersonal relationship showed their abilities in characterizing namely: ability to respect the difference of others, ability to forgive self and others and ability to accept and find good in others. One in responding showed ability to reach out and help others. Also one in organizing showed the ability to form and maintain close relationship. Finally, relationship with God had one in characterizing that was the personal belief and relation with God. There were 243 students (50.8%) who were enhanced in self-awareness in the ability to accept and improve weakness, failures and imperfections. A total of 195 students (41.8%) were enhanced along effective communications in the ability to be true and express emotions and feelings openly. For interpersonal relationship, there 197 students (42.7%) who were much enhanced in the ability to forgive self and others. With reference to relationship with God, 286 students (60.3%) were much enhanced in the personal belief and relation with God.

4. The Transformed Life Lesson Program was recommended after the analysis of the previous program based on the impact assessment. Self-awareness and Interpersonal relationship were allotted a four-month-period each for the discussion compared to effective communications and relationship with God which was only one month each.

Conclusions were advanced based on the findings:
1. The Life lesson Program is generally organized.
2. The Life lesson program, especially the CALT activity, enhances the affective behavior of the students.
3. There is a qualitative relationship between the content areas of the LLP and the impact on affective behavior of the students.
4. The content areas of the LLP are formulated to augment those which perceived to be less impact.

With the above findings and conclusions the researcher recommends the following:
1. The Life Lesson program should be incorporated in the curriculum.
2. The Life Lesson Program especially the CALT should be retained and strengthened.
3. The LLP should be included in the general curriculum of the school.
4. Implement immediately a proposed transformed Life Lesson program for the students and formulate an LLP, which will also cater to the administrators, faculty, non-academic personnel and the parents.

Areas for Further Studies
1. Study on the impact of the life Lesson program to the UAHS faculty and parents
2. Study on a Proposed Life Lesson program for both private abd government employees.
3. In-depth analysis on responses as claimed by the respondents that they “became worse “after the LLP.

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