"San Miguel, J.G."
Speak smart : creative worktext for oral communication/ J.G. San Miguel ; D.C. Barraquio and R. DV. Revilla - Quezon City : C&E Publishing 2013 - xii, 179 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm.
Oral communication-textbooks
Oral communication--problems, exercises, etc.
English language-- spoken english --problems, exercises, etc.
Fil PE1128 / .SA194 2013
F 414 SA194 2013 C1
Speak smart : creative worktext for oral communication/ J.G. San Miguel ; D.C. Barraquio and R. DV. Revilla - Quezon City : C&E Publishing 2013 - xii, 179 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm.
Oral communication-textbooks
Oral communication--problems, exercises, etc.
English language-- spoken english --problems, exercises, etc.
Fil PE1128 / .SA194 2013
F 414 SA194 2013 C1