The delivery of health care services program of Barangay Health Workers (BHWS) in Sto. Domingo, Albay - Malvin Jude A. Labayani Leslie Anne D. Santiago Trezza V. Menghamal Regine C. Remon October 2010 - 60 cm.


Malvin Jude A. Labayani Leslie Anne D. Santiago, Trezza V. Menghamal, Regine C. Remon, DELIVERY OF HEALTH CARE SERVICE PROGRAM OF BARANGAY
HEALTH WORKER (BHWs) IN STO. DOMINGO, ALBAY (An Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis, College of Nursing and Health Sciences of Aquinas University of
Legazpi, Legazpi City, 2010)

The study determined the delivery of health care service program of Barangay Health Workers in Sto. Domingo, Albay. Specifically, the study sought answers to the
following problems: l)What health care services are participated in by the Barangay Health Workers in their areas of: maternal and child, nutrition, health education,
environmental sanitation? 2) What is the level of performance in the delivery of health care services of Barangay Health Workers in terms of: knowledge, skill, and attitude? 3) What factors can affect the delivery of health care services of Barangay Health Workers in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitude? 4) What intervention strategies maybe recommended improving the delivery of health care services of the Barangay Health Workers?

This study is anchored on the theories of Benner’s Theory of Novice to Expert and Imogene King’s Theory of Goal Attainment. The researchers made use of the
descriptive method of research; it focused on the collection of detailed factual data that would describe the existing phenomena. Likewise, it identifies problems or justification of current conditions and practices. The data gathered resulted to the following salient findings: In line with the health care services participated in by the BHWs along Maternal and Child Health Program, it shows that all of them performed pre-natal and post-natal care, and weighs mother during pre-natal check-up, having the same highest rating of 105 or 100%. However, not all BHWs promote family planning method with a lowest rating of 91 or 86.66% and disseminate information on schedule of pre-natal check-up with 96 or 91.42%. Along Nutrition Program, all the 105 or 100% BHWs encouraged parents to feed micronutrient rich complementary foods starting 6 months old. However, only 88 or 83.80% them advocated the use of iodize salt daily. As to Health Education, all of the 105 or 100% BHWs provide health education on importance of breastfeeding, immunization, and prenatal, and post-natal check-up. Only 83 or 79.04% of them participated on the education campaign in the compliance with the 4 o’ clock habit in prevention of Dengue. Whereas, along Environmental Sanitation the 105 or 100% BHWs participate in monitoring residents’ access to safe and potable drinking water. However, 86 or 81.90% only promote the strict compliance of four (4) o’clock habit in the prevention of Dengue. With regards to the level of performance of BHWs in the delivery of health care services based on knowledge, findings showed an average mean of 4.19 with an overall interpretation of “very satisfactory.” As to the skills level of performance, it shows an average mean of 3.82 with an overall interpretation of “very satisfactory”. Along attitude, it shows that majority of the BHWs are “very satisfactory” with an average mean of 4.24.

In view of the factors that affect the health care delivery services of the BHWs, it was revealed that lack of cooperation from community residents is the topmost problem that hinders their delivery of health care with frequency of 104 or 94.04%. This is followed by insufficient knowledge of clients on modem medical technologies with a rating of 103 or 98.09% as well as health beliefs and practices of the community residents with 9S or 93.33% rating. Various intervention strategies were recommended in improving the delivery of health care services of the Barangay Health Workers to enhance their knowledge, skills and attitude. These are follows: conduct seminars and training, proper implementation of programs of health care services, regular monitoring and evaluation by the BHW, ensuring financial support from the government and non-government organization, providing additional BHWs, conducting information dissemination, and continues health education among members of the barangay. Based from the foregoing findings of the study the following conclusions are deduced:
Along Maternal and Child Health Program, it shows that all the BHWs performed pre-natal and post-natal care, and weighs mother during pre-natal check-up.
However, not all of them promote family planning method and disseminate information on schedule of pre-natal check-up. On Nutrition Program, all the BHWs encouraged parents to feed micronutrient-rich complementary foods starting 6 months old. However, not all of them advocated the use of iodize salt daily. As to Health Education, all the BHWs provide health education on importance of breastfeeding, immunization, on prenatal, and post-natal check-ups. Majority of them participated on the education campaign in the compliance of the 4 o’ clock habit in the prevention of Dengue. Whereas, along Environmental Sanitation all the BHWs participate in monitoring residents’ access to safe and potable drinking water. However, it also shows that not all of them promote the strict compliance of four (4) o’clock habit in the prevention of Dengue.

As to the level of performance of BHWs in the delivery of health care services based on knowledge, it shows that the BHWs were familiar with the routines of prenatal
and postnatal care, aware on the schedules of tetanus toxoid administration, and able to identify the seven immunizable diseases. However, they are found to be less
knowledgeable in building healthy nutrition practices. On the skills level of performance, it shows that the BHWs were “excellent” in conducting health education on different health programs and in performing prenatal and postnatal care but need to enhance their knowledge in demonstrating their ability on referral system. Along attitude, majority of the BHWs are “excellent” in respecting the rights to health of every family, individual and community and accepting the feelings of clients towards health beliefs and practices with empathy. On the other hand there is a need to enhance their attitude in developing self-confidence in the implementation of health programs. The three (3) topmost factors that affect the health care delivery services of the BHWs, were lack of cooperation from community residents followed by insufficient knowledge of clients on modem medical technologies and health beliefs and practices. From the salient findings and conclusion of the study, the following recommendations are offered: Conduct seminars and trainings to BHWs on proper implementation of different programs particularly on aspects of family planning, use of iodize salt, building healthy nutrition practices and prevention of Dengue where they were found to be weak on these aspects. To enhance the knowledge, skills and attitude of the BHWs, seminar-workshops shall likewise be conducted on referral system, personality development and values formation. Regular monitoring and performance evaluation of the BHWs shall be carried out by the Midwives to ensure effectiveness in the delivery of health care services. Linkages with the government and non-movement organization must be intensified by the Barangay authorities for logistics support of training and workshop of the BHWs. This would help augment the budget and have adequate funding.