Sanitation practices of resto bars and canteens in Barangay Puro, Legazpi City - Clark Raymund G. Canon Marvin Ray J. Bermillo Jame( B. Deblois March 2015 - 60 cm.


Clark Raymund G. Canon, Marvin Ray J. Bermillo, and .camel B. Deblois,"SANITATION PRACTICES OF RESTO BARS AND CANTEENS IN BARANGAY PURO, LEGAZPI CITY" (An undergraduate Thesis, Aquinas University of Legazpi, College of Health Sciences, 2015)

Sanitation must be observed at every stage of the food handling process. Food safety and sanitation in restaurants and canteens is an important public health concern. Serious illness and even death can be caused by the failure to follow simple, basic food sanitation procedures. Consuming a contaminated food or beverage can cause food borne illnesses. Safety concerns are just as vital. Food and beverage managers have a personal, professional, and legal responsibility to provide safe conditions for employees and guests.
This study determined the sanitation and safe food handling practices of resto bars and canteens in Barangay Puro, Legazpi City. Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions: 1)What are the sanitation practices of the resto bars and canteens in terms of: food storage, food preparation, food handling, and maintenance of cleanliness of equipment and utensils; 2) What are the sanitation problems encountered by the resto bars and canteens in terms of food storage, food preparation, food handling, and maintenance of cleanliness of equipment and utensils; 3) What are the measures that can be proposed to improve the sanitation and safe food handling practices of the resto bars and canteens in Barangay Puro?

This study was conducted in Barangay Puro, Legazpi City. It focused on the sanitation practices of the resto bars and canteens in the different phases of food before and upon serving. The theories on which the study was anchored were Nightingale's

Environmental Theory and Clark and Leavell's Ecology Model Theory. The study utilized the descriptive method of research and the survey technique. Which employed a questionnaire, for gathering data. The statistical treatments employed in the study were frequency count, percentage and ranking. The researchers used the total enumeration method since the population is under 100. The primary sources of data were the responses given by the employees of the establishments in barangay Puro, Legazpi City. There were a total of 85 respondents accounted in this research. The following were the findings with regard to Sanitation Practices of Resto Bars and Canteens: In terms of food storage, majority of the respondents (81 or 95.29%) store fresh meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and other perishable goods in refrigerator or chiller. Most of them (77 or 90.59%) also store non-perishable goods such as canned goods in cabinets. 85 or 100% of the respondents keep their beverages and liquors refrigerated.78 or 91.76% usually check the expiration date of food products and goods. 62 or 72.94% has storage areas free from insects/ rodents and breeding sites. In terms of food preparation, 85 or 100% of the respondents wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before use. 85 or 100% of the respondents also said that they wash their hands before food preparation. 35 or 41. 18% wear plastic gloves while the other 50 or 58.82 % said they do not. 35 or 41.18% of the respondents also said that they wear hair nets or caps during food preparation. 74 or 87.06 % of the respondents keep the food preparation area from flies, cockroaches, rodents etc. In terms of food handling, 85 or 100% of the respondents avoid hand contact with food and beverages. 85 or 100% of the respondents also said that they keep their nails clean and short. 85 or 100% serve cooked foods hot. 64 or 75.29% said that they do not smoke or chew gum in food handling areas but the other 21 or 24.71% chew gum or smoke either in the food handling areas or near it. 85 or 100% of the respondents confirmed that their establishments have a certificate issued by the city health office which was proven by the researchers as it was visible to the customers. In terms of maintenance of cleanliness of equipment and utensils, 85 or 100% of the respondents scrape and pre-rinse used utensils before washing. 68 or 80% of the respondents use running water in washing while the other 17 or 20% said that they do not. 85 or 100% said that they change the wash water frequently. Of the 85 respondents, 68 or 80% immerse the eating and drinking utensils in clean hot water. All of the 85 or 100% of the respondents store the utensils in a closed locker or cupboard.

With regard to Problems Encountered in Sanitation Practices of Resto Bars and Canteens: In terms of food storage, the indicator "Presence of insects/ rodents or breeding site in storage area" got the highest rank with a frequency of 41 or 48.24%. "Lack of knowledge on storing food products/ goods" got the second rank as observed by 25 or 29.41% of the respondents. At the third rank is the indicator "Others (Brown-out)" with a frequency of 5 or 5.88%. At the fourth rank is the "Lack of storage area" observed by3 or 3.53% of the respondents. In terms of food preparation, the indicator "Lack of protective equipment (hair net/ cap, gloves etc.)" ranked number one (1) among the encountered problems in terms of food preparation with a frequency of 38 or 44.71%. The indicators "Lack of knowledge on food sanitation" and "Presence of insects/rodents or breeding site in food preparation area" both ranked 1.5 with a frequency of 31 or 36.47%. None of the respondents answered "others". In terms of food handling, "Lack of knowledge on basic hygiene" was the only problem, pointed out by the respondents, with a frequency of 39 or 45.88%. The indicators "Lack of washing area", "Unavailability of soap/ clean 11water", and "Others" all got a frequency of 0 or 0%. In terms of maintenance of cleanliness of equipment and utensils, the common problem faced by the employees was the indicator "Presence of cockroaches and insects in storage area" which got the highest rank (1) with a frequency of 18 or 21.18%. At second (2) rank was the indicator "Others", pertaining to lack of compliance to proper cleaning of equipment/ utensils by workers, with a frequency of 9 or 10.59%. The indicator "Dirty storage area" got the third
rank with 5 or 5.88% while "Lack of cabinets/ cupboards" got a frequency of 0 or 0%. With regard to the Proposed Measures to Improve the Sanitation and Safe Food Handling Practices of Resto Bars and Canteens: Extermination of insects (mosquitos, flies etc.) got the highest rank(1) with a frequency of 27 or 31.76% of the respondents. Second (2) in rank is the proper waste management of walk in vendors (peanuts etc.) with a frequency of 22 or 25.88%. Provide more training to employees regarding sanitation got the third (3) rank with 19 or 22.35% of the respondents. Frequent collection of trashes got the fourth (4) rank with a frequency of 15 or 17.65%. The following measures: close the open drainage, improve bad smell, additional refrigerator, strict compliance to proper cleaning of utensils, and management of stray dogs are all in rank 4.2 as asserted by12.94% of the respondents. Everyday cleaning got the sixth (6) rank with a frequency of 9 or 10.59%. At the 6.5 rank are the measures of hiring more employees and protection from dust of passing vehicles at the coastal road which both got a frequency of 5 or 5.88%.

The following conclusions were derived: The sanitation practices of the resto bars and canteens in barangay Puro vary as not all the establishments observe proper practices necessary to ensure safe food storage, preparation, and handling and to maintain the cleanliness of the equipment and utensils. The employees know the proper storage of beverages and food products either perishable or non-perishable. They also keep their designated food areas free from insects/ rodents and breeding sites despite factors that prompt these insects to breed in the said areas. However, some of the establishments are not checking the expiration dates of their products, confident enough that it will get sold easily. The employees comply to strict hand hygiene with frequent hand washing and always keep their nails short. They also refrain from having direct hand contact with cooked products or beverages. Although, the employees do no usually use plastic gloves and hairnets/ caps due to lack of such. Some of the respondents smoke or chew gum at food preparation area or near it which can contaminate food products that could endanger consumers' health. Most of the respondents use running water to wash utensils while the others who store wash water do change their water frequently. All of the establishments scrape and pre-rinse the utensils upon washing but not all of them immerse their eating and drinking utensils in clean hot water. The most common problem of the establishments is that some of the employees lack knowledge on food sanitation and safe food handling. This lack of knowledge is a great
factor that contributes to the cross-contamination of the food products which would eventually lead to foodborne illnesses. Most of the establishments also lack protective equipment such as plastic gloves and hair nets/ caps which would protect food products
from being contaminated. For the proposed measures, it was revealed that the presence of insects/ rodents and breeding sites is the most common problem of the respondents that needs prompt attention. Waste Management is hence a factor that needs to be improved for if left unattended or unresolved it might lead to untoward conditions particularly food borne illnesses.

Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the following recommendations are hereby presented by the researchers: Every resto bar or canteen should be given guidelines/ memo which stipulates the required sanitation practices. Strict implementation should be enjoined and non-compliance to these guidelines should be a reason for termination, revocation or non-renewal of permits to operate. The sanitary inspectors should strictly monitor the implementation of regulations to ensure compliance to the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines. Owners and managers should have a thorough supervision on the implementation of proper food sanitation in their establishments. They should provide enough resources (gloves, hair net/ caps etc.) for their employees to fully adhere to these protocols. They should also provide extra measures to drive away or exterminate the insects/ rodents that affect their operation. The employees should sustain their correct sanitation practices and enhance their knowledge and skills by attending seminars and trainings about safe food storage, preparation, and handling. The Barangay officials should also aid the establishments by improving the environmental condition of the resto bars and canteens through closing open drainages and frequent collection of trashes. The customers should be vigilant enough as to the resto bars and canteens where they eat. They should also consider the cleanliness and the sanitation practices observed.